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Meeting of the:
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PDF (333.04 KB)
  1. Minutes from February 23, 2015 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Old Business
    1. Teacher-Course Evaluation (TCE) Discussion
      • Draft Snippet from February 23, 2105 SC Meeting on TCE (PDF)
      • Summary of February 9, 2015 Senate Comments on TCE (PDF)
  3. Nonstandard Calendar for MCL 510 (PDF)
  4. Late Additions to the Degree List (as per Senate Rules
    1. College of Arts and Sciences Student JD-04
    2. College of Arts and Sciences Student RA-44
    3. Graduate School Student SL-17
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Organization and Structure Committee (SAOSC) - Ernie Bailey, Chair
      1. Proposed Name Change of the School of Library and Information Science to the School of Information Science (PDF)
    2. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee (SREC) - Connie Wood, Chair
      1. Proposed Revisions to Senate Rules ("Elected Faculty Membership," "Apportionment") (PDF)
      2. Proposed Revisions to Senate Rules Section 6.3 and 6.4 ("Academic Offenses and Procedures" and "Disposition of Cases of Academic Offenses") (PDF)
    3. Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Disciplinary Action
      • Memo to SC Chair from Ad Hoc Committee Chair (PDF)
      • Proposed New Governing Regulation on Faculty Disciplinary Action (PDF)
  6. 2014-15 Faculty Evaluation of President Capilouto
    • Questions from the 2013-14 Survey (PDF)
  7. Tentative Senate Agenda for March 9, 2015 (PDF)