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Meeting of the:
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PDF (277.3 KB)
  1. Minutes from January 12, 2015 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Old Business
    1. Update from Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Disciplinary Action
  3. Diploma Content for Joint University of Kentucky-University of Louisville Executive MBA (PDF)
  4. Nonstandard Calendars for MAP Courses (PDF)
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Margaret Schroeder, Chair
      1. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Digital Mapping (PDF)
      2. Proposed New Masters of Science in Digital Mapping (PDF)
      3. Proposed New University Scholars Program: BS Agricultural Biotechnology and MS Medical Sciences (PDF)
      4. Proposed New Undergraduate Certificate in Research in Human Health Sciences (PDF)
      5. Proposed New MS In Applied Behavior Analysis (PDF)
      6. Proposed New PhD in Plant Pathology dual degree with Brazil's Universidade Federal de Vicosa (PDF)
  6. Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Teacher-Course Evaluations - Jonathan Golding, Chair (PDF)
  7. Tentative Senate Agenda for February 9, 2015 (PDF)