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Meeting of the:
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PDF (373.43 KB)
  1. Minutes from December 15, 2014 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Welcome to New Senate Council Members
  3. Old Business
    1. Update from Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Disciplinary Action
    2. Update from Senate's Rules and Elections Committee on Student Government Association (SGA) Suggestions for Senate Rules Section 6.3.0 ("Academic Offenses and Procedures") through Section 6.6.0 ("Honor Code") (PDF, pg 2)
    3. Update from (SGA on SGA's Endorsement of Governing Regulations XI ("University Appeals Board") (PDF)
  4. Proposed Expansion of Committee Charge (Senate Rules, "Senate's Rules and Elections Committee (SREC)") (PDF)
  5. Proposed Revision to Senate Rules 5.4.5.C.b.i ("Diplomas," "In Memoriam Posthumous Degrees") (PDF)
  6. Solicitation of Expansion of Honorary Degree Titles - Senate Rules ("Titles of Honorary Degrees") (PDF)
  7. Proposed Revision to Governing Regulations
    • Governing Regulations X ("Employment") (PDF)
    • Governing Regulations XIV ("Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct") (PDF)
  8. Request for Senate Input into Advising Initiatives - Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Education Karen Badger