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Meeting of the:
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  1. Minutes from October 6, 2014 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Old Business
    1. Update from Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Disciplinary Action
    2. Discussion on Proposal from College of Allied Health Professions, circa 2000 (PDF)
    3. Senate's Academic Organization and Structure Committee Guidelines, Revised (PDF)
  3. Confucius Institutes: National Conversation and UK Context - Susan Carvalho, Associate Provost for Internationalization and Interim Dean of the Graduate School
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) - Margaret Schroeder, Chair
      1. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in Health Coaching (PDF)
    2. Final Report from Ad Hoc (2012) Committee on Calendars - Margaret Bausch, Chair (PDF)
  5. Proposed Non-Standard Calendars for EDP 665 and EDP 670 (PDF)
  6. 2014-15 Periodic Program Review Recommendations (Business & Economics, Medicine, Engineering, and Law)
  7. 2014-15 Summative Review Recommendations (Deans Mark Kornbluh, David Brennen, Dan O'Hair, and Mary John O'Hair)
  8. Faculty Nominee for Thursday Football Committee (PDF)
  9. University Senate Meeting Roundtable