Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
(333.38 KB)
- Minutes from September 15, 2014 and Announcements (PDF)
- Old Business
- HCCC Chair - Responsible College Associate Dean
- Governing Regulations IX and Senate Rules
- Senate Rules Section 6.3.0 ("Academic Offenses and Procedures") through Section 6.6.0 ("Honor Code") (PDF)
- Committee Reports
- Senate's Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure (SACPT) - Stephen Testa, Past Chair
- SACPT Report for Spring 2014 and Summer 2014
- Senate's Rules and Elections Committee (SREC) - Connie Wood, Chair
- University Registrar System (PDF)
- Senate's Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure (SACPT) - Stephen Testa, Past Chair
- Sesquicentennial Diploma Design (PDF)
- Development of Faculty Discipline Policy (PDF)