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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (120.11 KB)
  1. Minutes from April 21(PDF) , April 22 (PDF), April 28 (PDF), May 12 (PDF) and June 11, 2014 (PDF) and Announcements
  2. Provisional Approval of Courses and Program Changes (PDF)
  3. Appointment of Senate Parliamentarian for 2014-2015
  4. Naming of Subset of SC for Reinstatement Committee (PDF)
  5. Proposed Change to 2014-15 Calendar - Last Day for Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance by Graduate School (PDF)
  6. Proposed Changes to Governing Regulations XI ("University Appeals Board") (PDF)
  7. SC Discussion Regarding Electronic Voting Records
  8. Electronic Voting Demonstration (Time Permitting)
  9. AAW Report - Definitions (PDF) (Time Permitting)