Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
(120.11 KB)
- Minutes from April 21(PDF) , April 22 (PDF), April 28 (PDF), May 12 (PDF) and June 11, 2014 (PDF) and Announcements
- Provisional Approval of Courses and Program Changes (PDF)
- Appointment of Senate Parliamentarian for 2014-2015
- Naming of Subset of SC for Reinstatement Committee (PDF)
- Proposed Change to 2014-15 Calendar - Last Day for Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance by Graduate School (PDF)
- Proposed Changes to Governing Regulations XI ("University Appeals Board") (PDF)
- SC Discussion Regarding Electronic Voting Records
- Electronic Voting Demonstration (Time Permitting)
- AAW Report - Definitions (PDF) (Time Permitting)