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Meeting of the:
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PDF (32.5 KB)
  1. Minutes from August 20, 2012 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Old Business
    • Composition of Reinstatement Committee (PDF)
    • Academic Approvals Workgroup Report (PDF)
      1. Recommendations (pg 5 of the report)
      2. Definitions (Appendix B, page 13 of the report)
      3. Narratives (Appendix D, page 18 of the report)
  3. College of Arts and Sciences Dean Mark Kornbluh and Department of Biology Chair Vincent Cassone - Impact of Budget Cuts on A&S
  4. Vincent Cassone - Update on Council of Chairs
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee - Davy Jones, Chair
      1. Proposed Changes to Senate Rules ("Officers of the Senate Council") (PDF)
      2. Proposed Change to Senate Rules 5.4.1 ("Residence Requirements") (PDF)
  6. Senate Committee Preferences (Round 1)
  7. Proposed Editorial Changes to 2012 - 2013 College of Pharmacy Calendar (PDF)
  8. Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement (PDF)
    • Senate Ex Officio Rights
    • Chairing the HCCC
  9. Discussion on SC Response to Educational Units' Concerns on Budget Cuts
  10. Tentative Senate Agenda for September 10, 2012 (PDF)