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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (118.72 KB)
  1. Minutes from March 5 and Announcements (PDF)
  2. Update on UK Budget Assessment Steering Committee - David Hulse, Faculty Representative
  3. Old Business
    1. Action Items
    2. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee: Proposed Revisions to Senate Rules 3.3.2 ("Procedures Governing Creation, Consolidation, Transfer, Discontinuation, or Significant Reduction of an Academic Program or Educational Unit" (PDF)
    3. Request for Nonstandard Calendar for One-Year Master's in Public Administration (PDF)
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Senate's Academic Programs Committee - Andrew Hippisley, Chair
      1. Proposed New Graduate Certificate in School Technology Leadership (PDF)
      2. Proposed New BS in Human Health Sciences (PDF)
      3. Proposed New Master of Arts in Arts Administration (PDF)
  5. Request from Student to Graduate with Telecommunications Degree (As Opposed to Graduating with Newly Changed Name of "Media Arts and Studies") (PDF)
  6. Proposed Changes to Governing Regulations (endorsement)
    1. Summary of Changes (PDF)
    2. Governing Regulations I: The University of Kentucky (PDF)
    3. Governing Regulation III: The President of the University (PDF)
    4. Governing Regulation IV: The University Senate (PDF)
    5. Governing Regulation VII: University Organization (PDF)
    6. Governing Regulation VIII: University Appointments (PDF)
    7. Governing Regulation IX: Reviews of Organizational Units and Chief Administrative Officers (PDF)
    8. Governing Regulation XII: University of Kentucky Development Council (PDF)
    9. Governing Regulation XIII: University Regulations (PDF)
  7. Provost Kumble Subbaswamy