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Meeting of the:
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  1. Minutes from December 6 and Announcements (PDF)
    1. Potential Charge to Standing Committee:
      • Senate's Admissions Advisory Committee (SAAC): request SAAC consider a name change, to "Senate's Enrollment Management Committee."
    2. Nominees for Academic Area Advisory Committees.
      • Health Care Clinical Sciences (nominees from College of Medicine).
      • Nominees for Social Sciences Area Advisory Committee.
    3. Nominees for Summative Evaluation of the Dean of the Graduate School.
    4. Nominees for Summative Evaluation of the Dean of the College of Engineering.
    5. Nominees for Periodic Program Review for the College of Communications and Information Studies.
    6. Nominees for Periodic Program Review for the Graduate School.
    7. Nominees for Periodic Program Review for the College of Medicine.
    8. Nominees for Periodic Program Review for the College of Pharmacy.
    9. Nominees for Periodic Program Review for the College of Social Work.
  2. Old Business
    1. Action Items
  3. August 2010 KCTCS List of Candidates for Credentials
  4. Provost Subbaswamy's Response to SC's Cost-Savings/Revenue-Generating Ideas (PDF)
  5. SC Feedback on December Commencement
  6. Roundtable Discussion on SC Progress Toward Summer Retreats' Goals
    1. Senate's Academic Facilities Committee - John Rawls, chair
      • Capital Plan Schedule 2012-2018 (PDF)
      • Provost Area Faculty Senate List (Capital Plan Project Draft, 11/16/10) (PDF)
      • Three Project Proposals (examples)
        • Research Equipment Replacement (PDF)
        • Construct Gatton Bldg Complex (PDF)
        • Construct Science Research Bldg (PDF)
  7. Preliminary Discussion on the Need for a Senate Assessment Committee