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Meeting of the:
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PDF (64 KB)
  1. Minutes from July 25 (PDF) and Announcements
  2. Next Steps for USP Proposal - Phil Kraemer
  3. KCTCS June 2007 Candidates for Credentials
  4. Naming of Reinstatement Committee (PDF)
  5. UK Branding - UK PR Executive Director Jay Blanton (PDF)
  6. Senate Committee Preferences
  7. Senate's Rules and Elections Committee Report (PDF)
    • I - Missing Grade Language Codification (PDF)
    • II - Oral Communications Suspension "Note" Language (PDF)
    • III - Clarification of "Drop" vs. "Withdrawal" (PDF)
    • IV - Duplicate Credit and Repeat Clarification (PDF)
    • V - Third Bachelor's Degree (PDF)
  8. Motion Regarding New UK Home Page (PDF)

Addition to agenda: 9. Tentative Senate Agenda for September 10 (PDF)