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Meeting of the:
Meeting Date:
PDF (96.55 KB)
  1. Minutes from April 16th (PDF) and Announcements
  2. Nomination for SC Representative to the President's Commission on Women (for a term of July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2009)
  3. Reappointment of Academic Ombud
  4. Change to Engineering Standing Requirements (PDF)
  5. Open Engineering Major (PDF)
  6. Three-Year Pilot for Change to Course Withdrawal Deadline (freshmen only) (PDF)
  7. Graduate Center for Nutritional Sciences (Move of the GCNS from Graduate School to College of Medicine) (PDF)
  8. Calendar Change: Dentistry (PDF)
  9. Continuing Discussion on Proposed Changes/Combining of Administrative Regulations II-1.0-1 ("Faculty Appt., Reappt., Promotion and Tenure") (PDF)