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Meeting of the:
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PDF (78.59 KB)
  1. Minutes from July 10 and Announcements(PDF)
  2. Status of Assistant Provost for Program Support on Senate Council
  3. Planning for Senate Council/Senate Analysis and Response to (DRAFT) 2006-2009 Strategic Plan
    • Timeline for DRAFT 2006-2009 Strategic Plan (DOC)
  4. Chief Academic Officer - Administrative Regulations (AR)
    • AR II-1.0-6 - Part 3. Assessment (DOC)
    • Proposal by Administration to Remove "Rule of 65" from AR
    • Benchmark Contacts
  5. University Senate Committee Structure (PDF)
    • Current (05-06) Committee Membership (PDF)
  6. Definition of "Privilege" as it Relates to Appeals by Faculty Members and the Charge of the SACPT